Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Field Trip to Chicken Town

The cuties found a weakness in the fence between Chicken Town and Goat World. They managed to separate the old welded wire fencing from it's post and helped themselves to some chicken feed... before I caught them and snatched it away.

*I fixed the breach so it's not showing.

This started the field trip to Chicken Town. Pretty interesting digs on this side of the fence. 
My plan was to open the gate back to Goat World and they would voluntarily go home... Bwahahaha! The chickens were annoyed.
While I was waiting for the goats to find the urge to go home I decided the views from Chicken town were under represented and took the opportunity for a photo shoot.

Mic and Mac making sure Gustav knows who's really in charge.

The skeleton fruit trees and back side of the house.
Impatient as I am, I conceived an idea to coax the cuties back to Goat World... clothes pins on the fence.
Haha, sucker!
Working like a charm, just two more goats to trick.
Tasty clothes pins, mmm good!
Four... four goats, ah ah ah!

*Won't be long before we're repairing this fence too.

Ok still no Huckleberry, stinker, he never falls for my tricks.
Sigh, Huckleberry just likes to be different. He is a good boy and I don't mind letting him have some special time to himself.
"Is anybody in there?"