Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chickens, the new dog... and snow

Chickens, the new dog! That was a slogan we laughed about when we first got chickens in 2008.  
November 21,  2013
We punched a hole in the fence a few months back so the chickens could range in the goat pen. There are many reasons for that involving parasite control, greater range for the chickens, ect. One effect I didn't consider is the chickens would become the goat's new "dog". The goats seem very entertained by them and the chickens seem to calm the goats, like chicken therapy or something.
Our critters don't spend a lot of time living with snow and their behavior is entertaining and fascinating when they do. Normally when we snow it's gone in a day, however, this week it dumped. The critters won't travel in the snow so I shovel trails for them to walk. The chickens get a trail to Goat World.
The goats to get some exercise and fresh air. They love their paths and walk them often, like a treadmill.
Since it stopped snowing and they have paths to hang out on, they don't hang out in the barn except at morning feed and after dark. They don't like the sound of the snow falling off the roof and stay far away from the barn, in their paths.
The goats hover near the chicken/goat world portal waiting for their chicken friends to come visit. The chickens, also, only walk in the shoveled paths. One tried to fly and when landing on the snow became paralyzed. Gustav, our rooster, flew to the hen to aid and he, also, became paralyzed when landing on the snow. FYI, there's a 1/4 inch layer of crust/ice on top of the snow and they can walk on it safely. Why do they freak out when landing on the snow? Hmm?
However they feel about the snow, they seem to use each other as comfort... kind of like "we've got each other, we can get through this!". 
Of course, I don't really know what they are thinking or how they truly feel. It just seem as though they are interested in the snow but, afraid of it too. They have a fear of the snow falling off the roof but, not enough to keep them away from eating. 

I know that when it snows here it brightens up the world and everything is crisp and clean and wonderful. Do the goats share that sense? They spend a lot of time outside in the snow.

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