Friday, February 8, 2013

Freaky Friday

Poor Yoda is healing from his horn removal and today was his one week check up. Took him in and doc gave him an A+ for clean bandage and one more week before total bandage removal. Pleased as punch, I drove home and  put Yoda in with the chickens so I could clean his pen. Almost done with his pen, I hear the boys and Lucy hollering about something (they are in a separate pen to prevent head butting) so I go look and find Yoda in the brooder house with his bandage tore off, his wound exposed and in a lot of pain (no Yoda pics, it was icky). Here is a picture of the brooder house and chicken pen so you can see the relation;
Chicken pen to the left and brooder pen to the right. It's covered to protect little chicks from birds of prey. When no chickens are broody we leave the gate open as you see in this photo. We closed and locked it about a week ago so the grass would repair before we received our meat birds and turkeys in April. 

Yoda jumped the four foot fence and fell through the netting. I'm guessing this is what pulled his bandage off. 

Stop all work for the day, drive Yoda back to the vet and get him patched up. Drive home, leave him in the back of the pick-up, finish cleaning his pen, put him in his pen, give him NSAIDS and get back to work on the house.

Yoda is doing fine and resting. I couldn't figure out for the longest time how he got in the brooder pen because the gate was closed and secure. I was sure he used his Jedi powers but then I followed the eveidence.

Anyway, back to the house, roof and remodel. We managed to get enough of the roof done so we could hook up the wood stove. Its very nice!
The new door is covered because it doesn't seal yet or have a lock/door handle. 

All in all, a very exciting day and looking forward to tomorrow!

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