Monday, June 23, 2014

Chickens, Young Goats, Old Goats, Gardens and Taters

I enjoyed my week at Mt Rainier (especially since it only rained one day) but, it's exhausting and to add insult to injury I had one day turn around before heading to a two day training. Then hubs was gone for four days after that. The summer seasons have been hit and miss for a few years and to unwind... well, Twisted Fern Farm does the trick.

Winona and her stolen chick wander everywhere. They are travelers and see much of Twisted Fern Farm. I ponder and relate watching them tour. 
Ninja and the Fab Five used to wander... too much, like me. So, I locked them in the fruit orchard to settle down. I joined them for some therapy and share experiences. They were mad at first, but then they're like, "Dang, sweet digs and no one to bother us!" ... IKR!!
The Fab Five own the fruit trees!
The Red Rangers chill'in and contemplating a game of tether ball. Ya, because, relaxing and focused energy both benefit the spirit. 
So, while on my week at Mt Rainier, all the ladies clucked about the hot ranger on trail with us. It's not much different at home, this hot Red Rangers gets his share of clucking!! hehe
A little time with the garden and learning does wonders for grounding the soul. Our experiment with potato beds may also nourish the body... or not if it fails. We're adding goat bedding to the potato bed to raise the height as it grows. It is surrounded with old fencing to keep the bedding in and the chickens out.
I was worried this spring that the garden was just a dream... not anymore!! Reminds me of Grandpa, which does a bunch for lifting the spirits. 
This is an old goat counting chicken egg money... to see if we have enough to buy some second cutting hay for the young goats. LOL, from his smile, it must be good news! ha ha ha
These are the young goats living in the moment and enjoying summer grass. Summer grass is pretty nice.

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