Friday, February 3, 2012

Kid Games

I was bored doing errands the other day so I decided to learn how to use the voice app. on my phone to send messages. I suckered Mom into a chat conversation and told her a story via voice text.

The story as I spoke into my phone:
Once upon a time there were two little goats named Huckleberry and Banjo. Huckleberry liked to play Red Rover Red Rover and Banjo liked to play Ring Around the Rosie. One day they couldn't decide which game to play so the decided to run at each other as fast as they could and butt heads. The End!
"Dude, you let her through!!"

The story it typed back:
Once upon a time there were 2 little girls name Taco Berry and Bandshell. Huckleberry like to play Red Rover Red Rover the Band You like to play Wing Around the Rosie. And 1 day they couldn't decide which game to play so they decided to run a each other as fast as they couldn't get each other in the head... And!
I'm Taco Berry.... and I'm Bandshell

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