Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Sweet Boy

My sweet boy!
Willow is the pretty one. Willow gets lots of exposure. She has quite the expressive character.
That pretty much sums it up. Goofy kid!
Shane, on the other hand, gets overlooked much. He is mellow, never gets in trouble, runs from fights, eats somewhere else if it keeps the peace, puts up with abuse gracefully, etc. Sounds like the amazing Uncle Huckleberry. He was a good teacher.
What is amazing about Shane? Many things. His fur is so soft you want to just keep petting him. Its hard to show that in a photo and in fact it doesn't look much different than his sister, Willow's fur. It is. I'm not sure if he'll outgrow his bunny soft fur but for now, I like it. 
He's huge! I try to manage a photo that justifies his size and I can't seem to pull it off. Technically he is about the same "size" has Lucy but, 
...what is awesome is his bone structure. His rump and shoulders are about an inch taller than Lu and his legs are longer and thicker but his trunk and neck are shorter... blaa blaa... all that means is this puppy has huge feet and he's going to be big... bigger!
He is gentle. He could shoot Banjo to the moon and ought to have a right to most days but, he doesn't. He either runs away or gently butts him back. 

I've also watched, many times, Banjo bite Shane and Shane simply turns to face him, gently putting his head on Banjo as if to say, "Peace, Brother"! Then I swear I see Banjo smile before bowing his head to meet Shanes... gently.
Shane is peace. Willow is ruthless and bashes Banjo constantly. Even though Banjo bullies Shane, he still stands between Banjo and Willow to keep the peace.
Shane isn't just a big goat... he has the big heart. 
My sweet boy.

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