Sunday, August 11, 2013

Garden Update - August

Lets start with the greenhouse! Look'in good! The "Man with the beard" is doing an amazing job with the tomatoes!
Fertigating is working wonders. Lots of mo mo flowers and some ripe ones. The cuc's are doing great this year.
One of the fertigate buckets was dripping too fast so "Man with the beard" put a pillow case in it... nice gardening move! Pretty basil and jalapenos.
Nice looking green pepper!
Outside the greenhouse we have grapes and golden berries. We moved both from the cow pen this spring so we won't get any grapes till next year but, the golden berries are doing great.
The box garden is progressing through summer and the onions are looking good.
Suprise, those are glad's next to the front door! Nice purple one! (wet porch = finally raining... thirsty plants like it)
Great Grandpa's front flower garden was pretty spectacular... I'm working on getting ours in that kind of shape.
Great Uncle Johann Christian Marcus 1956
"Man with the beard" moved some strawberry starts to the old garlic bed for next year.
Happy fuchsia doing all the humming birds service.
 Kale and Chard growing up, it's so appetizing! 
The corn that survived the dog, cat, turkeys and crazy wife with a weed whacker.
The few cabbage that the cat didn't dig up pooping in the garden.
Silly kitty, she doesn't look bothered by it at all!
Blueberries and Hazelnut. No blueberries this year, the turkeys ate them all.
The only fruit tree with fruit. The cherries are all done and the plumbs didn't fruit. Hmm?

NO! There are no goats in this post, I've not gone sane and haven't you had enough goat pictures... beside, I'll post goats tomorrow and all will be back to normal.