Thursday, July 11, 2013

As If!

Crazy Barred Rock, why are you sitting there like that. You sit everywhere like that. Actually, it looks really comfy, I'll try it and report back.
How does one tell the males from the females? Why do I ask myself that? There is a lot to ask about turkeys. Why do you roam? Why do you panic about flying back into the pen when you've clearly flown out of it? IT'S THE SAME TECHNIQUE! Your self confidence astounds me, you can roam as a flock without a keeper! No really, you can!
Interesting laundry. How many dwarfs live in your house?
There's a bunny! Right there! OMG can you not see it? Fine, use your nose... there's a freaking bunny... LOOK!
Ya, dude... bunny. Hey, chickens, do you see a bunny? Thought so! Nom nom nom...

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