Sunday, December 8, 2013

Random Thoughts and Long Names

Kiki Kitten Pants Skinny-Butt
Kiki Kitten Pants Skinny-Butt is getting old. We don't know the exact date of her birth, just that she was born in the year 2000. She's been sickly since we got her 5 years ago and we've battled her health and happiness since. She's urinating in all the wrong places and is about "this" close to being put down. We struggle with the idea about once a month these days... then she goes and does something uber cute and kitten like to inspire new hope that she can turn around.
Kiki Kitten Pants Skinny-Butt playing with the Christmas wrappers.
The Man With The Beard wrapping gifts to give at the Santa Trail Work Party coming up. Getting a little help from Kiki Kitten Pants Skinny-Butt
Banjo Bugger Eye Coffee Lover
Banjo Bugger Eye Coffee Lover loves his coffee. It's been pretty cold so we thought we'd bring the goats a warm treat. They all like warm tea with honey and cayenne but, Banjo Bugger Eye Coffee Lover loves his coffee.
Hucklebuckle Berry Boy
Hucklebuckle Berry Boy sneaking his share of the coffee.
The Bitties, the Fatties and Lucy Wucy Lulu
The Bitties used to be Shane Seamus O'Grady and Willow Pillow Pants and the Fatties used to be Banjo Bugger Eye Coffee Lover and Hucklebuckle Berry Boy. That is because the Bitties used to be babies and the Fatties, well, are fat. Now, since the Bitties are bigger their names are interchangeable and could be refered to as either or both.

I think they have a very cozy barn and are spoiled with 2 hay feeders. One feeder holds their free choice grass hay and the other their alfalfa hay that they get once in the morning and once in the evening. Turns out five goats can't share one alfalfa feeder... we made it for the Fatties when they were Bitties and it's too small.

If you inspect the picture of Hucklebuckle Berry Boy, you'll see the fast and dirty 2nd alfalfa feeder in the left corner of the picture installed to alleviate fighting. Well, they've managed to mutilate the welded wire (wha? say it isn't so!) and they need a new, more sturdy model.
Wish granted, New more sturdy model
If you leave me home unattended with tools at my disposal, I will manifest things like a hay feeder that looks like a baby crib made from scraps of wood, including old tool handles. What? It works!
Faces of gratitude! 
Lucy Wucy Lulu, Shane Seamus O'Grady and Willow Pillow Pants approve of new improved alfalfa feeder.
Willow Pillow Pants
Willow Pillow Pants and me waiting for the rest of the herd to catch on that we are going for a walk.
Shane Seamus O'Grady
Shane Seamus O'Grady flying through the air with the greatest of ease. He could totally pull Santa's sled.
Icy Wycie Water Fall
One of the 4 of our drainages getting a nice layer of ice.


  1. Your goats are so cute and your farm so pretty :) Willow will always remain one of my all time favorite goats.

  2. Thanks, Tayet! We're all pretty happy here too, now if it would just snow!! LOL
