Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Had to clean the barn today and wanted to use the bedding to cover the grapes and golden berries. It would have been a pain to try and sneak in and out of the goat pen 6 or 7 times. Well, everything the goats would eat that we want is gone so I just opened the gate and didn't bother with the sneaking.
They all had a great time running around the yard. Even Lucy was running jumping.
Huckleberry wanted in the house with Arlen.
It's been a while since they've been on a porch. I wonder if they remember.
The Nubians had great time sampling all the vegetation.
Everybody loves kale chips!! 

And ya, that's all the snow we got! LAME!


  1. We have more snow here :) Hopefully you'll get more by Christmas! Your goats are so cute.

  2. Unfortunately, I think it's going to start raining again! Booo

  3. I noticed!! Where's my snow? Now the forecast is rain rain rain. Bleg
