Sunday, October 19, 2014

Colony Bunny Update

It's a beautiful October day so its off to clean the bunny barn.
One bin for the dirty stuff, one bin for the clean stuff, barn broom and dust-pan and fresh hay to replace the crappy hay.
First, I have to hug and kiss Stella... how could you resist that face! (besides, I have to pass by her to get to Bunny Land.
Got my helpers ready to help...
Silly girls didn't finish their breakfast. One of the challenges of switching to fodder is how to keep their wood floor dry. I put down this plastic tray that is sold for putting wet boots and shoes in at the door. It's working so far. 
Eddie does great going potty in his litter box but, the girls took some training. I put all the leftover kitty boxes we had in for them so they'd have lots of choices. 
Eddie got a new "hot box"... it's the nick name I have given his bed box, the place he will sleep to stay warm when the temps start dropping. There wasn't much room to fit it inside his loft apartment so I attached it to the outside... its a little crooked. 
Since its 70 degrees today, he doesn't seem to care about using it. (unusually warm today).
Fun outside in the yard!
Clover likes to race Eddie, she's faster. 
All three playing in the leaves.


  1. Hi! I just love your bunny setup and thinking to do something VERY much like it here at our place in the spring. Question though: Do you go out every night and shut them in? Or do you just assume they won't get visited by a nasty in the night? We currently shut the chickens up every night and let them out in the morning and I'm wondering if rabbits behave the same way... putting themselves to "bed" at night?

    Long and weird question, I know. Such is my life! *sigh* - Lori in Maryland

  2. We designed it so they could be shut in every night (chickens too) but so far we haven't. If ever the night critters show up on the scene we'll start closing them in at night.

  3. I think we might just be paranoid (exemplified by the fact that I was out putting the chickens up at midnight last night in the cold rain.) Absolute madness. Do you know if the buns actually return to the enclosure at night?

  4. They like to run around outside during the dusk hours and nap in the midday and nighttime.
