Been having a goat sleep over since last Friday and hoping for some kids in the fall. Bubba Blue Eyes is the stud of choice... well, for us. Lucy is acting pretty snooty towards Bubba, as usual.
Banjo loves Bubba, he follows him everywhere grinning. Banjo thinks we've brought him a new buddy to hang out with. At this point, Bubba is happy to have a friend.
Bubba just wants somebody to luuuuuuv. Bubby actually sang to Lucy... yep, I heard him... "Everyday I try and I try and I try - but everybody wants to put me down... find - me - somebody to love..."
Lucy is a dry humor sort of gal and she's partial to Georgia Satellites... she said, "Don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourself!"
Poor Bubba Love... hang in there Bubba, she'll come around soon.
On to the garden!! We've been putting the barn bedding in nice, neat rows in the yard where we want garden beds. It kills the grass, mulches, the worms process the soil, etc.
We are experimenting with leaving the bedding and planting through it. Also, removing the bedding after time enough to kill the grass and double digging the dirt. I have a feeling both methods have a place for different plantings. The garlic is early this year and we'll harvest it in about a month. We've put chicken wire on the freshly planted bed so the chickens leave them alone long enough for the plants to get established.
The strawberries are doing well this year and Arlen has planted some cabbage in the south end of the bed (and a shovel, maybe it'll grow). Arlen is watering the pumpkin and squash bed. We are leaving the bedding in these, the vines and leaves will take over and shade out the light from weeds and grass.
Grandpa's Peonies are 'bout to pop and Arlen covered his cabbage with a row cover to keep the bugs off his precious'.
The iris' are all pretty and blooming.
The grapes are doing amazing this year (funny they do that when you quit moving them around) and the Golden Berries are always happy. I ordered some Caroline Red Raspberries. Thinking they came in packs of 5, I only ordered one... and that's what I got... one. It is doing well next to the Golden's but, it's bed is a total mess! Who did that?
She did that!! This is Ninja, our very good mother hen. She drags her brood around and tares the beds to shreds. I go around behind her and rake them all back to neat rows. She returns to mess them up again.
I decided to make a public announcement hoping the publicity would embarrass her and encourage her to quit. It didn't work, she just ran away.
I tried to get an interview with her but, she gave me the cold shoulder.
I can't repeat what she's saying here.
Oh, and the Rangers are getting HUGE! We decided they poop too much and don't want them sharing a shelter with the sheep (when the sheep get here). The next batch of broilers will live in a mobile chicken tractor that we will move daily. Still have to extend the walls on the sheep shelter for better weather protection. Also, need to get the interior fixed up for the bunnies when we get them in about a month. Stay tuned for that.
Willow is the pretty one. Willow gets lots of exposure. She has quite the expressive character.
That pretty much sums it up. Goofy kid!
Shane, on the other hand, gets overlooked much. He is mellow, never gets in trouble, runs from fights, eats somewhere else if it keeps the peace, puts up with abuse gracefully, etc. Sounds like the amazing Uncle Huckleberry. He was a good teacher.
What is amazing about Shane? Many things. His fur is so soft you want to just keep petting him. Its hard to show that in a photo and in fact it doesn't look much different than his sister, Willow's fur. It is. I'm not sure if he'll outgrow his bunny soft fur but for now, I like it.
He's huge! I try to manage a photo that justifies his size and I can't seem to pull it off. Technically he is about the same "size" has Lucy but,
...what is awesome is his bone structure. His rump and shoulders are about an inch taller than Lu and his legs are longer and thicker but his trunk and neck are shorter... blaa blaa... all that means is this puppy has huge feet and he's going to be big... bigger!
He is gentle. He could shoot Banjo to the moon and ought to have a right to most days but, he doesn't. He either runs away or gently butts him back.
I've also watched, many times, Banjo bite Shane and Shane simply turns to face him, gently putting his head on Banjo as if to say, "Peace, Brother"! Then I swear I see Banjo smile before bowing his head to meet Shanes... gently.
Shane is peace. Willow is ruthless and bashes Banjo constantly. Even though Banjo bullies Shane, he still stands between Banjo and Willow to keep the peace.
Shane isn't just a big goat... he has the big heart.
Repurposing Brooder Hut into Sheep Shack. The project needed some fence rearranging so we tackled that today.
As usual, our help played a big roll in completing the task. Banjo wants to know if he's still look'in good?
Yep, Banjo, Grandpa would say, "Yer damn good look'in, Kid!"
What's that, Banjo? You'd like to share your cedar bark with me? That's so sweet!
Banjo, "Psych!! The cedar bark is all mine!"
The Nubians look on at the shenanigans while occupying the best seats in the house... ha ha. They think it's their new play ground we're spiffing up for them.
Willow, "He's such a drama queen! I'll bash him later." Shane, "Teacher's pet, he's always looking for attention." Lucy, "Kids, positive thoughts, please! He is your uncle after all."
Okay, lets go for a walk everyone! The other half of the Sheep Shack is still to come. There'll be a nice lean-to add on for shelter.
Green browse is back on the menu as far as the eye can see!
Hurry, run away, its raining... and sunshining at the same time!
Hmmm? Weird weather! hee hee
The first occupants of the Sheep Shack will be these Red Rangers. Can you just see the excitement...
Everything is green! In fact, it's so green you can hardly distinguish between one plant and another. There's a chicken or two in there also. This is the fruit tree, chicken town, future bee keep, stray flower and compost paddock. Gotta come up with a name for it.
Huckleberry's Pristine apple tree is budding out nicely. His tulips are about done but, the Petunias are just getting started. When time permits, I will build him the neatest little rock wall for his garden.
Views from the porch in the morning sun are worth wiping your glasses for. Hee hee Still working on the ornamental bedding, grass and turnpike that leads to Critter Village.
Critter Village is greening up too! We repurposed the brooder hut and when its finished it will be used as a sheep shelter, temp. buck pen, bunny hutch, quail villa and broiler brothel. [not necessarily all at the same time]
Photo with the dog in it as she is often under represented... mostly because she doesn't hold still. Oh, and look close to see the falling cherry blossoms.
The beginning of the garden spot. Hoping to have dirt and plants in the ground with in the next two weeks.
Another view that includes the newly fenced critter paddock to add to rotation.
My cute little buddy, Banjo!! Doesn't he look like a little donkey you could just kiss?
Little lover boy, Shane, ready for his smooch. What's a blogpost without goats?