So Many Cans |
Well, early in the morning at the break of day,
If you do not feed them this is what they say,
Bleet, Baaaa, Moo, Bawk, Quack and Peep!
Double Double Toil and Trouble |
Everyone gets grain and herbs in the morning. Right now, mineral and soda is in the boys feed dishes but, soon there will be a "free-choice" dish for them. Have to hide the feed dishes in the big, green bin at night or the mice will lick all over them.
Mooo! |
Kuma gets his grain too!
Kuma Booma! |
Arlen picks up the doo doo off Kuma's straw-bed and puts it in the compost pile each morning and evening.
Hydrate! |
Everyone gets fresh water at least once a day and sometimes twice. (that muddy shovel is waiting for a bath)
Lock it! |
All our gates lock! If you pass through a gate, always close and lock it behind you or trouble will ensue. Our wooden gates expand and shrink with the sun and rain so they MUST be locked with a carabiner always.
Time for Morning Walk |
After everyone is fed and watered, grab your coffee and head out back. Its okay to leave the back gate open now because we have the property fenced from one end to the other. The goats can't get to the garden anymore without a long trip through the brush.
I Love Me Some Munch'in! |
With a face like that, how could you neglect morning walks?
Berry Trails Abound! |
We made many such berry alleys in the back so there would be no lack of munching for the kids. Soon we will bring buckets and collect our own blackberries during morning and afternoon walks.
Salmon Berries |
Right now only the Salmon Berries are available.
Yum Yum! |
Its okay to buy love with berries! Hehehehe
Don't forget the dog! |
It works with Mesa too!
My Coffee! |
WARNING: If you have coffee in hand, Banjo will pester you until you give up the coffee!
Just Ducky |
While your out and about, say "Hi" to Mack! She is still sitting on a nest of unfertilized duck eggs and is in now hurry to get off and rejoin the flock. (the 28 days are up and she sits)
Meeting Adjourned |
If our lucky you may catch a glimpse of the chickens having a private meeting in the thick of the brambles.