I'm sparing all
my friends the torture of my rambling on about our really cool kitchen,
how hard we worked on it, how much we can't stop staring at it, etc....
I know its annoying and I know why. No one cares because its not theirs
and they won't be living and breathing it, besides, they wouldn't have
done it that way anyway. So, this is really a blog post for myself and
to spare my friends the torture of hearing about it any further. :) Also, I have a million pictures of it from every angle and if I don't post some I'll explode... no one wants to see that!
Speak "Friend" And Enter! |
How do you like the front door? (by "you" I really mean "me" cause I'm talking to and for myself in this post remember) I like it very much, I know we considered the placement to be more centered between the big windows so it would look symmetrical from the outside but, in the end it really was crowding the bar.
I wanted to stand in front of the door and rumble from my guts, "Belllllloc" but I knew Arlen wouldn't get it since he hasn't seen Lord Of The Rings. I, instead, (and not pictured) drew a stick person in the door window and told Arlen not to let him in, he looked sketchy.
Bread, Stone, Wood and Rope |
Something about looking at an image of fresh baked bread, stone, wood and rope in the same frame just looks good. Yes, the bread tastes good too! Something about the environment on "this" side is working for Arlen's bread making. I don't know if its the wood stove, wood everything, warmth, new oven, less humidity... blaa blaa... it could be any or all.
Can You Say, "Fusion" |
"Honey, there's a mix of Caribbean, Asian, southwest-y, northwest-y, western wrangler, European cottage, urban uppity and redneck honky all in one small kitchen!"
Well, I guess that's what makes us, "Us"!